
Indikator mutu ukm
Indikator mutu ukm

INDIKATOR UKM DEFENISI OPERASIONAL Ibu Hamil KESGA Cakupan ibu hamil mendapat TARGET yang 397 CAPAIAN CAKUPAN 282 71,03 78 98,73 12 15,19 236 62,27 236 62,27 pelayanan antenatal/kunjungan lengkap oleh tenaga wilayah kesehatan kerja di puskesmas Sikui 2. From the results of this program concluded that the composition of the raw materials that are designed to have a soft structure and has enough color and strength. INDIKATOR MUTU UKM PROGRAM KIA/KB UPT PUSKESMAS SIKUI NO 1. INDIKATOR MUTU UKM PROGRAM KIA/KB UPT PUSKESMAS SIKUI NO 1. The method used was a survey, identification of problems, the study of literature, designing the composition of raw materials, the manufacture of glass beads, prototype testing, manufacturing and evaluation modules. Viewed from the side of science and technology, there are two value-added, technology design that is appropriate raw materials and the utilization of waste glass as the embodiment of green product. Based on the analysis, the economic potential of the resulting products can compete with previously. With this program can ease the burden on small industries in order to increase revenue and continuity of production capacity as well as a discourse for small industries. This program will result in the design of raw materials back, without using Duralex glass former but using ordinary glass and fused alumina as a softener and bleach with the composition of cullet (broken glass) 92% by weight of alumina and 8%, both of which are easily obtainable materials. Regarding Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU), in terms of writing scientific articles, it is possible to achieve if they are designed properly, the number of. It is necessary for designing technologies for the sustainable raw material beads tens of SMEs in Plumbon Gambang. As for the glass waste from cups, plates and other can not be formed (hard) not like Duralex glass. The problem faced by SMEs is the need for raw materials are depleted Duralex. Plumbon Gambang Jombang known as a center for craft beads SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises) in Indonesia.

Indikator mutu ukm